Monday 14 January 2013

Video Postcard From Jurmala, Latvia

I'm sending you a postcard from my sweet home, Jurmala. Always such a treat to visit my parents and sister over here. I miss this place. It keeps much of me, many nice warm memories with my family and friends. This year I came back to Jurmala in winter when the town is so beautiful and shiny in its puffy coat of snow! All day long I am walking along the icy beach and then my favorite thing to do is to stop by a little cafe and have a cup of tea or mulled wine to warm my hands. It's melancholic and quiet... Just what I need after a long busy year. I wish you could see these snowflakes dancing in the air.

Postcard From Jurmala from Nadya's Side Of The Road on Vimeo.


  1. very nice video!!! I love it so much!!! I also love Jurmala and you, my bib-sister <3

    1. Thank you so much, my little sis! : ) And thank you for a huge help with this video!

  2. люблю-люблю-люблю это видео...Юрмалу и Надюнчика!-)...ты - молодец! Удачное видео! красивое!

    1. Спасибо, мамульчик! : ) Приятно слышать такие отзывы!

  3. Это прекрасно! Зщемило даже при взгляде на зимнюю Йомас... Жду от тебя еще работ.

    1. Яна, в Юрмалке так хорошо. Платили бы там американские зарплаты, я бы там жила всю жизнь бы! : )
